Thursday, January 10, 2008


Many times I have wanted to blog about other things occuring in my life than just cooking and baking and with the new addition of our Rotti puppy coming on the 25th of January, this is the perfect time to do so.

Incase you are not fluent in German (which I am not whatsoever), Leben means Life. We decided on this name because our previous puppy girl was named Zoe which means Life also. She was only 6 months when she passed away in August. It only seemed fitting to name our new boy Leben.

Leben at 5 weeks old, looking over his pen

Leben at 5 weeks old posing for the camera

We went to pick out our puppy when they were 4 weeks old and here he is. He has such a large head!

At 2 weeks old and just opening their eyes

Finally at 1 week old, the litter all over each other snoozing. :-D

15 days till our little one arrives!!!


Tiffany said...

leben komen se ere

they're so retarded looking that its too cute!

Emily said...

Ha!- He's so photogenic. It is a he, right?

thisgoodhearth said...

HI, Leben..This is your PoPo from oregon:))
For those who don't know, PoPo means Grnadma in Cantonese. hehehehhe

Cynthia said...

They are too cute.