Thursday, January 17, 2008


Now weighing in at 12 pounds! We're so glad that he is coming this friday because if it was any longer he would not fit in his crate. Boy he is a big guy. We are so antsy that when we do go out, most of the time it's to a pet store and we have to stop ourselves from buying ANYMORE toys for this ready-to-be-spoilt little one. We went to Pace Veterinary Clinic today to check it out as a possibility for Leben and we were definitely surprised at the clinic. It was incredibly sterile and clean. The guy that gave us the tour, took us everywhere, even into the staff room, where they have a exercise room and a huge break room and staff are allowed to bring their own dogs and cats in. Amazing. They have blood donor dogs and cats there also. The boarding kennels were SO clean. There was NO smell of poop at all like usual kennels you visit. They have a separate building for animals recovering from surgery where is quite and tranquil. They have a comfort room also (which is very very beautiful but I don't want to ever have to think of doing that). The facility was huge and you wouldn't think of that just by looking at the front building. So we are going to give this place a try and see where it leads. Hopefully it is what we are looking for. The head vet was very nice and he talked to us for a couple minutes. Very friendly people.
I was staring at this picture of Leben this morning, and I was like...boy...he REALLY reminds me of something. Then all of a sudden it dawned on me. He looks like an know from Starwars minus the whole white beard on the old ewoks. How ADORABLE. I won't call him Ewok though - just doesn't seem like a steadfast stury name for a rotti. lol. So, Leben it is.

1 comment:

thisgoodhearth said...

Looking at it headon, Leben doesn't seem to look like a pup. He looks VERY adult! Cute,though:)